The lack of available affordable rental housing is one of the greatest challenges San Diego County faces to addressing homelessness. As the lead agency for San Diego region’s Continuum of Care (CoC), RTFH identified the creation of a regional FHP in the CoC’s workplan to address this challenge, recognizing that a multi-pronged approach of new housing, acquisition, and utilization of the rental market would be critical.
Individuals and families housed through the Flexible Housing Pool have generously shared their story and experience. The videos below are very personal and could evoke an emotional response by viewers.
Ending Veteran Homelessness
Ending Family Homelessness
The Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool (FHSP) is a nationally recognized systems-level strategy to fund, locate, and secure housing for people experiencing homelessness in a more coordinated and streamlined way. The FHSP is a critical community tool to provider more immediate and equitable access to housing.
The San Diego FHSP is administered by the Regional Task Force on Homelessness (RTFH) and operated by nationally-recognized Brilliant Corners. The FHSP has successfully leveraged underutilized VASH vouchers and other subsidies to secure units in a high cost, tight rental market and provide the critical landlord-tenancy supports to successfully house veterans, chronically homeless, youth, and families.
The FHSP aligns with Regional Community Action Plan to End and Prevent Homelessness in San Diego as well as the County of San Diego’s Framework for Ending Homelessness.
To learn more about the FHP please email
The overall goal for the first year of the program was to: place 140 households into permanent housing; promote a regional strategy to reducing homelessness in all 18 cities; serve priority populations of focus, including veterans and youth experiencing homelessness; support housing exits for households as part of the COVID-19 response; engage new partners; and promote regional landlord strategy and collaboration. The first year of the FHP was funded by RTFH and the County of San Diego and fully funded by RTFH in year 2 and year 3.
The San Diego FHP met the first year’s goals and demonstrated numerous successes between October 2020 and October 2021. The program placed 239 households in permanent housing, which far exceeded the goal of 140 households. Brilliant Corners has continued to meet and exceed the goal of 140 households. Since program inception, the FHP has secured 653 active units throughout the San Diego region and has housed 639 households (data as of March 31, 2023). Retention rates for the current fiscal year are not yet available. Through June 30, 2022 the retention rates for FHP are 92%.