RTFH Advisory Groups

Effective advisory groups of various types serve to provide expertise, guidance, and practical support informing the work of the RTFH 501c3 Board of Directors. Such groups provide multiple opportunities for community engagement, collaboration on and contribution to those issues and concerns facing the RTFH.

Standing Committees

Governance Committee

The committee evaluates and recommends changes to improve the corporation’s structure and governance documents, and ensures it is meeting the mission. The committee reviews Board Member nominations and provides recommendations to the Board.

Executive Committee

The committee is responsible for recruiting and managing the Chief Executive Officer. During intervals between meetings of the Board, the committee shall have and exercise all of the authority of the Board except as otherwise limited by the bylaws, by Board policy, or by other Board action. The committee has meetings convened as needed by the Chairperson or CEO. Responsibilities include evaluation and making recommendations on financial policies, goals, and budgets.

Finance Committee

The committee is responsible for overseeing the corporation’s financial matters, including best practices, and reviews and advises the Board regarding all fiscal policies and procedures, the annual budget, and the expenditure of grant funds.

Audit Committee

The committee is responsible for ensuring the corporation’s compliance with California Government Code Section 12586, if applicable, including making recommendations to the Board on hiring and firing independent auditors, negotiating the auditor’s compensation, conferring with the auditor to satisfy its members that the corporation’s financial affairs are in order, reviewing and determining whether to accept an audit, assuring non-audit services performed by the auditors conform with standards for auditor independence, and approving performance of any non-audit services provided by the auditor. 

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