Notice – CoC NOFA New Project Due Date Reminder and Additional Resources New Project Application Detailed Instructions – Version 2 Applying for Expansion Projects during CoC Program Competition Ensuring Equal […]
Please see this week’s NOFA FAQ’s and Weekly Notices for updates on NOFA topics and answers to common questions.
Please see the following documents for a number of items shared at the July 31st, 2019 CoC NOFA Applicant workshop as well as other key documents all applicants should review: […]
Please see this week's FAQ for common questions and answers about the NOFA process.
The Regional Task Force on Homelessness (RTFH) as the Collaborative Applicant to HUD for CoC NOFA funding invites interested agencies to participate in an Application Workshop. See this notice for […]
Please see this attachment for the weekly notice that contains some of the FAQ’s regarding the NOFA.
This summary document has been created based on HUD’s changes and new information for this fiscal year. Please review if your organization is participating in the NOFA CoC program competition.
RTFH requests that non-profit agencies or units of government declare their intent to submit an application for one or more new projects (which can include an expansion of an eligible […]
Please see this announcement from HUD regarding the HUD Continuum of Care grant competition, which is now open.
HUD Announcement: Specialized Housing and Services for Victims of Human Trafficking NOFA Full HUD Announcement and more details for prospective applicants