On behalf of the CoC, the RTFH is seeking input from the community on the draft Regional Community Action Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness in San Diego. This is very much a working draft and the RTFH is encouraging honest and open feedback on the content within this initial draft to create a final plan for the region that can guide efforts.
About the Plan: At this time there is no single plan across the entire region that aligns all stakeholders in a common vision, guiding principles, and goals and strategies. In the region there are various sub-regional plans, plans that have been adopted by individual cities, sub-population focused plans such as our Coordinated Community Plan to End Youth Homelessness, as well as guiding plans at the federal and state levels. The purpose of the Regional Plan is to be a “Plan of Plans” and serve as a single unified vision and strategy that lifts up all of the existing frameworks and adopted plans and aligns under a common regional direction. It is important to note that the Regional Plan does not at this time include an implementation plan, as this will be developed and finalized once the plan is adopted.
To Provide Input: To review the draft Regional Plan please click here.
If you would like to provide input on the draft plan please use this survey link. The public comment period closes at 5pm on September 30, 2021
The RTFH is also hosting a webinar on September 8, 2021 from 11-12pm to provide an overview of the plan to the public and walkthrough the process to provide input. To access the webinar, please use this zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84335770404?pwd=K3dPcVhjYlBwamZ5bGFWWllzV1J2UT09
Passcode: 800477
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Any questions on the draft plan or additional comments or attachments can be directed to Kris Kuntz, RTFH Chief Policy Officer, at Kris.kuntz@rtfhsd.org