October Governance Board Meeting

The next RTFH Governance Board meeting will be held on Thursday, October 17th, 2018 from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. in rooms 302-303 of the County Administration Center (1600 Pacific Hwy., San Diego, CA 92101). View/download the board meeting packet. Materials for past meetings can be viewed in the document management system.

CES Workgroup Recommendations Community Meeting

This community meeting will follow up on the work of CES Workgroups and will provide an opportunity to present and clarify any questions on the CES recommendations. All feedback should be provided in the online survey that was sent out via email. This meeting is limited to attendees of the August CES Planning Intensive meeting […]


Session on 2018 Rating and Ranking Process

This community-wide session is designed to allow for open dialogue, questions and answers and a deep dive into how the R&R process in San Diego CoC is driven by local CoC priorities, our own overall system's "service needs" and best practices across the country.

Please RSVP online in advance.


Community Meeting on HMIS Transition

This meeting provided a number of updates on the HMIS transition process and inform the community of the final steps in the process. View/download the slide deck that RTFH presented at the meeting View/download the meeting agenda and minutes.


November 2018 Governance Board Meeting

The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on Thursday, November 29th from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. in rooms 302-303 of the County Administration Center. 

See the event page for more meeting details, including the meeting packet when it becomes available.

Clarity Manager Training – Session 1

This Manager training session which will cover how to perform your role as an HMIS agency administrator in Clarity, including a walk-through of the standard data entry workflow for users in advance of user training, how to manage your agency and programs in Clarity and a refresher overview of the role of HMIS agency administrators. All HMIS Agency Administrators are required to attend one Manager training session.


Clarity Manager Training – Session 2

This Manager training session which will cover how to perform your role as an HMIS agency administrator in Clarity, including a walk-through of the standard data entry workflow for users in advance of user training, how to manage your agency and programs in Clarity and a refresher overview of the role of HMIS agency administrators. All HMIS Agency Administrators are required to attend one Manager training session.


Clarity User Training – Session 1

This training session will train HMIS users on how to use the new HMIS software, Clarity. All users are required to attend one 90-minute training session in order to be given a Clarity user license.


Clarity User Training – Session 2

This training session will train HMIS users on how to use the new HMIS software, Clarity. All users are required to attend one 90-minute training session in order to be given a Clarity user license.


Clarity User Training – Session 3

This training session will train HMIS users on how to use the new HMIS software, Clarity. All users are required to attend one 90-minute training session in order to be given a Clarity user license.


Clarity User Training – Session 4

This training session will train HMIS users on how to use the new HMIS software, Clarity. All users are required to attend one 90-minute training session in order to be given a Clarity user license.


Clarity User Training – Session 5

This training session will train HMIS users on how to use the new HMIS software, Clarity. All users are required to attend one 90-minute training session in order to be given a Clarity user license.

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